Monday, November 19, 2012

Process pt. II: Revisions

This week saw a couple of major revisions to the black and white sketch as I slowly tighten it up.

Probably the most notable change is that the Robo now has more defined segments and detail. He was feeling pretty lame as the box with legs he was earlier so I chopped up some of those planes and made him look a bit more bulky while still retaining some of those joints. I also decided that it needed another narrative element, so I changed his pose and made him some sort of battery collection bot. (there will probably be a bunch of those power cell looking things scattered throughout the piece.)

The old background wasn't working for me, it had some weird perspective and compositional issues, so I tossed it, stretched the canvas to the right a bit and roughed this in pretty quickly with chalk and square brushes. At this point the level of detail doesn't need to be too high since most of it will be hidden by the foreground elements so it is pretty sloppy at this stage.

And lastly some messing around with lighting.Stay tuned for the finished underpainting and base color!

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