Friday, March 29, 2013

Something new!

Thesis is hard you guys...
Soon I will be posting up all the pieces complete with commentary, probably in individual posts, but for now have some rocks!

These are a sampling of markers from the world I am developing for my thesis known as waystones. They began as a form of protective charm on roads and highways, and over the years they have evolved into a combination of road sign and map for travelers throughout the world.

Guy on the left is a warrior guardian on the Soldier's Road. The middle stone is the Serpent Highway. The Marker on the right shows the route to the top of Mt. Aruk (named in ancient runes under the hollowed bit) while warning travellers of the dune wyrms that lurk beneath the mountain.

Fun times!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Something Quick

Did this as a warmup and ended up spending a total of an hour or so on it.

I used a brush pack based on canvas textures, and I really like the way they behave for this kind of thing, so expect to see some more of this kind of thing.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rush Job

Our subversive teacher gave us a surprise rush job assignment this morning. We were supposed to turn in an illustration based on a recent article about Iran sending a monkey to space, due by the end of the class 3 hours later.

I finished in two and a half... ha!

Monday, January 28, 2013

A quickie

Not much time for any in depth posts recently, but I have been taking time to do some warmup and concept pieces over the last week or so which will most likely end up here. First up is a quick piece (about 30 mins) I did to explore some of the more villainous characters from the world I am developing.

Patrol duty gone wrong
Meet the redhorn rebellion, barbarians and cutthroats all. They are a faction from the cold north who have staged an invasion of the middle territories, but to what end? There will probably be more on these guys later, but this sums up their outlook on the other clans pretty well.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Some Landscapes!

Its been a while! I have just started up my last semester at The Pennsylvania college of Art and Design which is a little strange, but to warm up for the impending craziness I did some environments just for fun.

totally not Dagobah

so much green...

These are both actually prepping for my upcoming Thesis project in which I will be concepting a world full of these goblin creatures. More on that soon!